

At Villiers High School we are committed to ensuring that the pupils that attend the school are safe. The Safety and Wellbeing of our pupils is of paramount importance and at the forefront of our practice.

We recognise that some families may be more vulnerable to abuse and harm, so we work closely with professionals and external organisations to support the health and betterment of the young people that attend.


Should a Safeguarding or Child Protection need arise, it will become the responsibility of the Safeguarding team. The team is comprised of the following staff.


Ms Clare McKinlay - Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Fiona Reynolds - Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Thomas Williams - Acting Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Christiana Davis - Lead Safeguarding Officer

Ms Christine Kane - Designated Safeguarding Officer 




Copies of the Safeguarding policy can be found under the policy section here (see link).


You can contact the safeguarding team on:


If you require further help or guidance, you can also contact the following organisations


  • Ealing Children’s Services



  • Childline

  0800 1111


  • Papyrus



  • Young Minds



Safeguarding Concerns