History of Villiers
“The longest serving state school in the borough.”
The school opened with 54 pupils on September 14, 1907 as Southall County School. It was one of the first new county secondary schools to be built in Britain serving the relatively new suburb of Southall.
Mr Sam Pollitt was the first Headmaster and known for his steely blue eyes gazing intently over his bristling moustache. A former pupil wrote in a school magazine that “going over the top in the trenches of the First World War was less of an ordeal than an interview with Mr Pollitt”.
It is believed from 1907-1917 the Board of Governors was made of twelve members, with the Chairman being Mr A. W. Perkin an executive lawyer and justice of peace (J.P).
The school buildings have remained resilient through the passage of time and now the school has a science and arts block, drama, music and business block and a newly built Sixth form (V6) and canteen.
Southall County School 1907
Our First Headteacher
Lord Lionel Robbins
First Board of Governors
Southall Grammar
Villiers High School 1975
Villiers High School Today
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