Catch Up Funding


At Villiers High school, those Year 7 pupils who have not achieved the expected standards in KS2 National Curriculum assessments is 46 and the Catch-Up funding helps to fund a number of projects including a Transition Group, extra Reading Interventions and extra support in some of the lessons. This funding has also contributed towards addressing the issue of language acquisition and consolidation, continuing and expanding its programme of one-to-one and small group tuition. In addition, all pupils have the opportunity to have a free breakfast in the mornings.

Our pupils also benefit from heavily subsidised programme of enrichment opportunities ranging from visiting farms, museums in London to some overseas and residential trips. These visits serve to broaden pupils' horizons and expose them to opportunities they would not otherwise experience. It is difficult to measure the positive impact of these visits, but even within the confines of the examination system, a question on an English Language paper asking pupils to write a letter detailing a visit on the Tube or to a farm could prove difficult without exposure to the kinds of experiences educational trips can provide. However, in organising educational trips and visits the school is not just targeting those eligible for catch up funding, but instead provides opportunities for the whole pupil body.


Key Links & Documents:

View The Full Catch Up Funding Report Here