

Geography reading list


An overview

“Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?” - Michael Palin.


The study of Geography at Villiers High School explores our rapidly changing world and helps our students to develop an interest in places, near and far. We aim to develop their critical thinking skills and encourage them to ask questions and to make sense of the physical and human factors that shape our Earth. We foster an interest in the environment and discuss   issues surrounding sustainability. As such, students explore their own responsibility towards the care of the planet and its people. Geographers are multi-talented individuals and students can make full use of their global heritage and experiences during their studies.


Key stage 3

At KS3 they will develop a wide variety of skills including written and oral communication, research and investigation, presentation skills, including the use of ICT, teamwork, decision making, problem-solving and self-management. They will practice their map and atlas skills and also improve their levels of numeracy.

We use a range of activities including role plays, mysteries, presentations, games and puzzles and fieldwork.


Students study the following topics:


Year 7

  1. Map work and atlas skills
  2. Settlements
  3. Rivers
  4. Brazil


Year 8

  1. Earthquakes and Volcanoes
  2. Weather and climate
  3. China
  4. Ecosystems


Year 9

  1. Development
  2. Water
  3. Climate Change
  4. Coral Reefs


Key Stage 4


Geography is a popular course at GCSE level.

Students study the AQA (1-9) course.

Units of study:

  • Living with the Physical Environment:
    • The Challenge of Natural Hazards
    • The Living World
    • Physical landscapes of the UK
  • Challenges in the Human Environment
    • Urban Issues and Challenges
    • Changing Economic World
    • Challenge of Resource Management
  • Geographical Applications
    • Issue Evaluation
    • Fieldwork
    • Geographical Skills


Students will go on tow fieldwork trips during their GCSE studies:

  1. To investigate tourism in Windsor
  2. To Study the River Lea in Epping

(Insert images from both trips here)


Key Stage 5

A Level Geography encourages students to engage with the world around them on current issues. The current course allows students to take their learning outside of the classroom in order to become more well-rounded and independent leaners.

Units of study:

  • Globalisation
  • Regenerating places
  • Diverse places
  • Tectonic processes and hazards
  • Glaciated landscapes and change
  • Coastal landscapes and change
  • Health, human rights and intervention
  • Migration, identity and sovereignty
  • The water cycle and water insecurity
  • The carbon cycle and energy security
  • Superpowers
  • Synoptic themes and links